LAFFER | TENGLER Equity Income ETF (the “Fund”) seeks income and long-term capital appreciation.
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Principal Investment Strategies
The Fund is an actively managed Fund that seeks to achieve its investment objective by investing in high quality, large-cap stocks that the Sub-Adviser (Laffer Tengler Investments, Inc.) believes have strong earnings and dividend growth potential and an above market dividend yield. The strategy utilizes two valuation metrics that the Sub-Adviser believes are consistent indicators of value: Relative Dividend Yield (RDY) and Relative Price-to Sales Ratio (RPSR). These indicators, both pioneered by the Laffer Tengler (LTI) team, are used to identify discreet periods of over- and under valuation, security by security, and are supported by LTI’s rigorous and proprietary 12 Fundamental Factor research approach. The Fund will typically hold 25-35 positions, and seeks to produce an above-market dividend yield with low turnover. No assurance can be given that the Fund will achieve its investment objective and you could lose all your investment in the Fund.